If you are in Ku-ring-gai Council area and require a tree or trees removed due to property damage, danger, allergy, dying or diseased trees, we can help you.
We can also assist with tree pruning under certain conditions, including storm damage, overhanging dwellings, hazardous vision obstruction.
The State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021 prescribes that tree and vegetation clearing or pruning are to be processed using a permit system administered by Council through its Development Control Plan (DCP).
The Ku-ring-gai Council Environment –> Trees page specifies the guidelines for protecting trees and vegetation, including when Council permission is required for pruning or removing a tree and when exemptions to Council’s DCP apply.
Council’s Tree and Vegetation DCP sets out when Council permission is required for pruning or removing a tree – and when exemptions to Council’s DCP apply. Tree and Vegetation DCP Part 13
Ku-ring-gai Council Tree removal application
To obtain Council permission before pruning or removing a tree, you will need to submit a Tree Application Form (PDF, 366KB)
A tree application form MUST be submitted for trees growing:
- On a Heritage Item property.
- In a heritage conservation area.
- On a property mapped within a threatened species community or forms part of an ecological endangered community (Blue Gum High Forest or Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest Community).
No exemptions apply for these properties.